About Us

Mission statement

The purpose of the Tanque Verde High School Parent-Teacher-Student Group is to enhance the education of the students by providing volunteer support to the Tanque Verde High School Community and to allocate funds raised to enrich the greatest number of students.

Board Officers

President: Julian Eftekar, president@tvhsptsg.org

Vice President: Vanessa Helms, vicepresident@tvhsptsg.org

Treasurer: Jeremy Haase, treasurer@tvhsptsg.org

Secretary: Patrick Coronato, secretary@tvhsptsg.org

Committee Chairs

Volunteer Coordination: Heather Keller, volunteers@tvhsptsg.org

Corporate Grants: Don Smith, grants@tvhsptsg.org

Fundraising: Breana Maynard, fundraising@tvhs.ptsg.org


Our Long Term aim is to serve our Tanque Verde High Community by building transparent communication between stakeholders (parents, teachers, students, and administration), growing together to best serve the educational needs of the students. 

Our Goals for the current school year are:

Grow parental involvement with new parent participation

Grow fundraising with a fundraising committee

Grow partnerships with TVUSD family businesses and related employers

Grow support for our teachers/staff/admin even as we adapt to the new ‘normal’ of social distancing

Grow in our communications between the school and PTSG so we can all understand what the priorities and needs of the school are so that we may best assist


What we do